Gippsland Artists: Linking the artists of Gippsland to the world is a private business that aims to serve the artists of Gippsland.
The site is inclusive and available to anyone who considers themselves an artist.
The aim is:
- to provide a low cost web presence to any Gippsland artist
- to provide a comprehensive list of artists to the public
- to encourage artists through providing exhibition opportunities
- to foster the growth of an encouraging network of artists supporting each other
The web-site offers
- a web-page at minimal cost, or a link to an existing web-page
- a listing of exhibitions by the artists represented
- a galleries and studios listing
- a links page to useful sites
The site is dynamic. New features are frequently added, in response to perceived needs and to keep abreast of latest technologies and needs.
There is no external funding, so in order to continue supporting artists, needs the support of artists. Many artists now have their own sites and exposure through social media.
Fees Structure for Supporting Artists/Galleries
Option 1:
There is an annual fee of $30 for artists who have a webpage provided by Gippsland Artists. This allows the artist to have their own page and via the administrator, to have
- regular updates of their images and
- to advertise their exhibitions.
Option 2:
For a $30 setup fee and subsequently $30/year an artist, or gallery, can administer their own pages; editing all aspects of their site (Promotion of their work and exhibitions, updating art-works and their details). All aspects of their site are fully editable; eg:
- 'About Us': An artist or gallery can edit their own details at any time
- 'Art Works': Artists and galleries can break their works into any number of series or artists, respectively.
- 'Contact Us': Users can click on any title of an art work in order to send an enquiring email (e.g., with the view to purchase or commission works).
- Online purchasing could be added if sufficient interest is expressed. PayPal would be the prefered medium at this stage.
Option 3: